Paving Process   |  French Drain Process

French Drain Installation

A "French drain" is an underground drainage system that traps and redirects ground water before it reaches your house. As ground water moves toward your home, a French drain redirects the water down through a wall of gravel into a perforated drainage pipe. This water is then carried through the pipe (via gravity) to the end of the line where the collected water will discharge.

Downspouts can also be tied into a solid pipe installed in the same trench. This ensures that water from the gutters and downspouts are also being directed away from your home.

1. Trench is dug (as close to the house as possible).

2. Trench slopes downward at a 1% to 2% grade.

3. Perforated pipe is installed in the center of the trench.

4. Pipe is covered with spun bond fabric (weed barrier).

5. Trench is filled with clean 3/4 inch stone.

6. Pipe will exit ground some place to deposit the collected water.